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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Uninstalling AVG Antivirus...

Recently I installed AVG antivirus on my windows xp system.Due to some reasons tried uninstalling it but was unable to do so.Best solution to solve your problem then is to use google.So after much googling I got this solution.Hope it might help you some day...

How to uninstall AVG:

- Download AVG uninstall/cleanup utilty and run it ( if running Vista or Windows 7: remember to right-click on it and choose "Run as Administrator"):

For 32 bit Windows versions avgremover.exe

For 64 bit Windows versions avgremoverx64.exe

Also available.... 32 bit & 64 bit archive

If is not possible to download any file (they disappear after download), please remove this file from AVG program folder "C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8\avgoff2k.dll" (for 64bit systems "C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG\AVG8\avgoff2k.dll") and check the download again.

Please be informed that AVG remover must be finished completely - sometimes stopping of AVG services (for example AvgMfx) takes more time.

- After restart please remove these folders*:

Windows XP/2000

C:\Program Files\AVG or C:\Program files(x86)\AVG (for 64bit OS)

C:\Documents and settings\All users\Application data\AVG8

C:\Documents and settings\All users\Application data\AVG9

Windows Vista/7(Seven)

C:\Program Files\AVG or C:\Program files(x86)\AVG (for 64bit OS)





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