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Saturday, December 18, 2010

What I did to manage windows startup programs....

      The problem I was facing was I've installed too many applications on my system and thus it took longer time for booting thereby frustating me like any other user.So, I tried to manage them and tried avoiding the automatic start of unwanted softwares on each boot.For some of them I managed by changing the individual settings but for some it was difficult to find the required settings to be changed.
        So after searching for a while and discussions with some of my technically sound friends I found the following solution.Actually its not a solution but it gives the common platform to manage settings of all your installed try using following they go....

1.Type msconfig in run option from start menu and hit ok
2.Select startup sub-menu
3.Uncheck the application you do not want to start on boot
4.Apply the settings and click OK
5.Restart the system if asked

It worked for me and I hope for you too.....(this is for windows xp OS)

Always Njoy!!!

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